FARM 911® Signs

​​​Many times it is the passerby that becomes the eyes and ears to mitigate a serious situation.


Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce you to FARM 911® ​​Signs

​Having a daughter and son in law in Alabama who raise Black Angus cattle, and myself with a small herd on their farm too, I became aware of the fact that farm emergencies will certainly happen. I have for example, witnessed loose livestock on the roadways, but I had no idea who to contact. Many farmers, cattlemen and ranchers lease land for their livestock and don't live in the area. Many times there is no address posted for these lands. If a farmer is living on the premises, he has a locked gate leading to his house. Thus, I had no means to communicate with him. Many times it is the passerby that becomes the eyes and ears to mitigate a serious situation. Whether it be loose livestock, down fences, fire, floods, ill/injured livestock, distressed show animals, trespassers, hunters, predators, equipment theft, livestock theft, weather related damage/injury to property and livestock, or injured farm/ranch workers; urgent reporting is a necessity.

​Owners who travel and participate in livestock and horse shows/exhibitions also face emergencies. Many times owners leave the barn facilities for their overnight accommodations. What happens if their animal is suffering from severe distress or injures itself? Is a stranger mulling around their expensive tack and equipment? Allow other show participants to have immediate access to your emergency contact information. Full time boarders can also benefit by having FARM 911® Signs with their emergency contact information attached on their stall door.

FARM 911® Signs can be the source for the information that enables an alert passerby to notify farm owners and exhibitors of an urgent situation requiring their immediate attention. The farm owner and exhibitor simply add the contact information they want shared to these signs and then attach these signs at various intervals along their fence lines, gates, stall doors etc. If an owner is contacted, but it turns out that the emergency is not related to him, he can step in and contact those he thinks may be related to the emergency situation. These FARM 911® Signs can help neighbors too! Since rural addresses are not always posted, this sign can aid local law enforcement and emergency responders to locate the rightful property and livestock owner. The Sheriff can be relieved of 911 calls that don't necessitate his involvement now that there is a resource available enabling a caller to get into direct contact with the farm owner. This sign will benefit the Sheriff when trying to round up loose livestock and locating the rightful livestock owner without having to go door to door.

You can be notified of an emergency without having someone show up at your home  unannounced at various hours of the day or night. Conversely, if you keep a locked gate to your home, this sign will enable a person to notify you of an emergency they have observed.

Farmers, ranchers, landowners, livestock owners and boarders - Purchase your FARM 911® Signs today and enable others an opportunity to assist in helping protect your valuable assets and significant financial investments which are your property and your livestock. It is an information source for greater peace of mind.

Keep safety a top priority.


Companies involved with the use of easements and right of ways on private properties which would include lands with gates, fencing, equine and livestock: your employees are often entering onto these lands in order to maintain, construct, dig and install the services and products your company is providing.

There will be times when it is necessary to be able to contact the land owner immediately. The situations could include - company equipment damaging fencing or gates; livestock accidentally being injured, livestock escaping their fields, an object or obstruction interfering with your ability to access your area of work, locked gates preventing entrance, employees noticing problems only visible to them etc. The list can go on and on.

FARM 911® SIGNS enable your employees the ability to get into direct contact with the land owner on the spot. All necessary contact information you choose to use for this property is made available on this sign. Attach this sign to a fence, post, or gate, etc. on your easement where it is visible to your employees. Take away the frustration of not knowing who to contact when there is an incident requiring notification, owner involvement or restitution. Keep the line of communication open that will help maintain amicable relationships with land owners.

These signs will express and demonstrate that your company is making an extra effort to protect and respect the land it must utilize.


Daren Sue Truex


FARM 911®, LLC